
I walked today with my friend.

We have known each other for almost twenty years. She has seen me at my best and my worst, and I am grateful for this overview she has of me. We both know that there is no judgement when we get together. We celebrate each others’ recent accomplishments and we debrief about things that have happened, airing our thoughts and sharing opinions. We talk about things that aren’t ideal- things that we wish we could change.

It was quite windy at times. It was also very sunny at times. The obvious metaphor is that life is often turbulent and it is important to weather the storms, which could have fed into our conversation too, but to be honest, we use the time to get things off our chest, without really coming to any kind of moralistic or correct ethical conclusions.

I wanted to take a picture to document the fact that I was unusually within nature, and when I came home, I cropped this picture, to cut out the imperfections of the puddles on the path. I also wanted to zoom in more, to highlight the different colours of the autumn leaves on the trees, to make it more aesthetically pleasing, but truly, this picture represents the fact that life isn’t perfect. It is not a remarkable image, but if I look closely, there are aspects of nature that are beautiful. As with the conversation with my friend, this picture shows things that are not ideal, and like the things spoken about, there are aspects I wish I could alter or change.

I love my life, puddles and all, and if I look closely at it, the minute detail is beautiful… just like the photograph.